Mycosis Fungoides 02 Let the Drugs Begin
Let the Drugs Begin
The dermatologists diagnosed Tim's lovely rash as psoriasis. Can't blame him - if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, treat it like a duck. Unfortunately, it was the wrong duck.
By now, Tim's skin was really starting to look crazy. He was flaking skin everywhere. We have wood floors in the kitchen and I had to sweep them every day. I told him that he was like Charlie Brown's Pigpen with all the flaking. Here is a picture...
If you zoom in, you can see his arms. His legs, chest, and back are the same.
After trying all the topical treatments, the Doc decided to bring out the big guns in the world of psoriasis...and his first choice was Cosyntex. Once we got insurance approval, because we all know that one cannot make a move without insurance giving their two cents, Tim was sent the drug and got the thrill of injecting it. First dose 02/08/2018.
The doc did warn us that it takes about 3 - 4 months for the drug to take effect. So while the drug was doing its magic, Tim kept up the topical creams and ointments and I kept sweeping the floor daily. If we had known then what we know now, we would have bought stock in Aquifor and Cerave. We'd be SO rich right now.
After about 3.5 months, Tim went for his follow-up and oops - Cosyntex was not working. We knew that but the Doc confirmed. He did a biopsy just to make sure that it was psoriasis and the results kinda pointed to that - or at least, they didn't point him to something different. So, if one drug doesn't work, try try again.
This time, the drug of choice was Siliq. Similar to Cosyntex, Siliq is injected and takes 3 - 4 months to work. First dose was on 06/12/2018. So back to playing the waiting game. Itching didn't stop and flaking didn't stop. We've got some of the cleanest kitchen floors ever with all the sweeping going on! And in the meantime, Tim is going through tons and tons of Aqufor and Cerave. If it weren't for the rash, he'd have the softest skin ever!
The months pass and it's time for a checkup. And the Doc confirmed what we already knew...IT ISN'T WORKING!
Time for the next one...
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